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African Territories in the Bible: Egypt (Khemet)

There are several territories geographically located in Africa that are mentioned in the Bible. I will describe just a few to illustrate. I will first start with EGYPT, (Khemet) which is found in many places in the Bible. Egypt is a country of the North Eastern angle of Africa, and there are more than 500 references to Egypt in the Bible.

Egypt is mentioned from Genesis to Revelation (Genesis 12.10-14; Revelation 11.8). In addition, in Psalms 105.23 it is referred to as the "land of Ham", which describes how Egypt was colonized by the descendants of Ham . Egypt is also referred to by various names, mostly MIZRAIM, which means "red mud". Mizraim was the second descendant of Ham ( Genesis 10.6, 13; 1st Chronicles 1.8, 11). The word Mizraim is a natural division of the country into an upper and lower regions; the plain of the Delta, and the narrow valley above.

Additionally, the word Mizraim also has a singular form and a plural form. The singular form refers to lower Egypt, the plural form refers to the entire territory which extends from Migdol to Syene. The first king of Egypt was Menes. Egypt and its people played a major role both positively and negatively, in the life or Israel (Exodus 1-15). We also have to remember that Joseph, Mary and the child Jesus (Yashua in Hebrew meaning "SALVATION') found refuge in Egypt when Herod was seeking to kill him (Matthew 2.13-21). It is well known that Egypt enjoyed an advanced and thriving civilization for a long time and contributed much to the civilization of the world, particularly to the


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